Sunday, April 20, 2008

Obama worries

I really like the speeches I have heard from Obama. I especially like his rhetoric about bringing the country together. I really think that this country has too many people fighting hard to make sure they never compromise, since compromise might imply that they don't believe what they say.

However, along with the nice (very inspiring) speeches, Obama's actions do not back up what he says. although he talks about compromise, his actions are of someone who isn't willing to give even an inch. He is rated as one of the most liberal senators. He voted against the "born alive" act (and from what I heard, worked actively to put it down). These do not give me much hope that he will actually be able do do what he is talking about, bring the country together. They sound more like someone who will bring the people who agree with him together.

On the other hand, McCain has a long history of going against what partisanship would dictate to build bridges across parties. He has actually worked with people to make real progress on (say) campaign finance and judges, even when he doesn't get all that he wants. He seems willing to give on some issues in order to do what is best for the country.

We have already had 8 years of someone inexperienced who talks a good game of bipartisanship without much effect (and Bush actually had a better track record of working with Democrats than Obama does). I'm ready for some action instead of inspiration.

That said, I would not be unhappy if Obama gets elected. I'm just skeptical that he will be willing to deliver on the bipartisanship part of his platform.

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