Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Best abstinence lesson ever

When my husband and I were dating, my future mother-in-law told me a story that was the best story I've ever heard encouraging abstinence.

She told a story about a couple much like us, in college, engaged, with plenty of freedom. But she's an OB nurse, and she met this couple in the hospital when the woman was giving birth. The couple knew they couldn't give the little baby girl the life they wanted to give it, with stability and money, but they had decided give it life. The time came to have the baby, and then give it to the parents who were going to adopt it.

My mother-in-law told about how the couple had a separate room to say goodbye to the baby, to send it off to its new life. She told about how they walked out of the hospital crying, with no baby to hold. She told how they knew they were doing the right thing for their family and for the baby, but that it was still hard.

After having 3 babies and 2 early miscarriages, this story means even more to me, but even at the time I was tearing up. I decided that this would not happen to my fiance and me. That story and the consequences the other couple faces brought life to the choices I made every day. Thanks, mom.

*I know, it could also encourage birth control. I guess it depends on who you are.

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